
The school provides an exciting and rigorous educational experience designed to help each student grow into a caring, thoughtful, principled, personally and socially well-balanced human being. Each student will have opportunities to become technologically literate, learn to communicate effectively, build teams and take risks in a supportive environment.

Student Support

Fostering a warm, caring and sharing environment, GVIS extends its personal, social and emotional support to students through counseling. It also offers remedial and enrichment programs for the slow learners. GVIS believe that an exciting all round education is the first step in transforming potentiality into actuality. The individual personality of each and every student is honed and polished to achieve a socially and personally beneficial life.

Our young minds are mines of precious talent. They are complex beings with physical, psychological and spiritual needs. Understanding each element and structuring its fulfillment is our fundamental aim. A thorough grounding in traditional academic disciplines, teamwork, problem solving and risk-taking is the essential to the build-up of knowledge with a global perspective.

Continuous Assessment

The evaluation process is objective and continuous for both curricular and non curricular achievements of the students. In the scholastic category, there is a monthly unit test, retest, slip test, term examination, preparatory examination and annual examination in all the core subjects and languages. Grades are given in the non-core subjects such as music, art and craft, computer science and sports. Internal assessment is based on the students’ performance in projects, seminars and assignments.

Learn at your own pace

Every child is different and unique in his/her own way. GVIS brings out a learning program wherein the learning goals are carved through three levels of enrichment, improvement and excellence in accordance with the potential of the child.

Affiliation and Classes

Green Valley International School Shiruru, is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi (CISCE) for ICSE & ISC Examinations. It offers ICSE Syllabus to Grade LKG to Grade X and ISC Syllabus to Grade XI & XII. The course is extremely useful for students who are keen to continue their higher education in the State of Karnataka and those students who will be seeking professional education in some of the elite professional colleges inside and Outside the Country.