Middle School
The Middle School Programme offers a wide range of subjects and encourages high academic standards through a practical approach to teaching and learning. Assessment is not limited to conventional written papers and they consist of a variety of tests, e.g. oral and listening tests.
Emerging from the theme based world of primary school, children in middle school excitedly delve deeper into academic disciplines and their specializations. They begin to make leaps into abstract and critical thinking. Middle school incubates fresh, unconventionalways of processing ideas and working, encouraging children to make interesting connections between their new knowledge and real life applications of it. The writing programme sharpens communication and reflection on perspectives and self. The Maker Space becomes a locus of creativity and problem-solving. At the same time, students are honing art, music and sport abilities.
Part 1: Academics
- English
- II Language
- History
- Geography
- Maths
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
Part 2: Co Scholastics
- II Language
- Computer Science
- Art
- GK
- Deen/M.ED
Frequently Asked Questions
How much Homework do
they get?
10-20 minutes/day.
Class Timing?
Classes start at 9:05 am and end at either 3:45 pm (Monday to Friday) or 12:50 pm (Saturday). Classes last approximately 45minutes each with two 15-minute recess/snack breaks and a 40-minute lunch break.
What is the class
25 to 30 Students in a class.
How do you communicate